Wednesday 1 February 2017

The Wanderer Returns

Hello again. I said on my last post I'd be back in two weeks, and it's been two months... now I know why people always complain that I don't answer texts on time! But I did have surgery, the recovery process + the joy of Christmas that delayed my return to the blogersphere. Anyway, I'm back now thanks to one of my New Years Resolutions being to get back into blogging + I thought I'd kick things off with picking up where I left off...

I wrote a "Letter To My Future Post-Op Self" on 31st October 2016, which was 3 days away from my surgery. I think it's only fair to respond to this and tell you how it went, for anyone out there who is going through a similar situation - with the same thoughts and worries that I mentioned, to show you what it's like on the flip side of the surgeons table. P.S his table didn't flip. Well I bloody hope not anyway! 

Dear Pre-Surgery + Worried Me, 

First of all...CHILL OUT! It's actually (surprisingly) not as bad as you think. I know that's the biggest cliche of them all, but honestly it's true. That's coming from a super wimp + worrier. So if I can say it wasn't that bad, then you know it wasn't! So let's address the panicky points...

1) The morning of the op + all its anxious waiting.
First of all, I did get a good nights sleep. I watched a few good films on Netflix (including "I Am The Pretty Thing That Lives In The House - which was scarily good) so I was cream crackered and konked out. I woke up at half 4 with my cat cuddling up next to me. My Mum helped me get ready and my Dad drove us there. The drive was actually fine - my Mum + Dad were on top form with the banter and made me laugh a lot of the way! When we got into the hospital, I changed into my gown and stockings (someone call vogue) and then the wait was on. My Mum + Dad were allowed to come and sit with me, and honestly it wasn't as anxiety filled as I had imagined. We joked around and talked about all the things I'd be able to eat after the retched gallbladder was zilched. It's funny, but once I was there and knew it was going to happen soon, it was like my game-face came on. I didn't feel nervous or anxious - I just felt this surge of adrenaline that powered me on as if to say "right lets do this!" It also helped listening to a grown man shout frothe next waiting room "NO MATE I WILL NOT WEAR THEM KNICKERS!" Haha! So all in all the morning of the op was absolutely fine! Thanks to my lovely Mum + lovely Dad + also the brilliant nursing staff :) 

2) Anaesthetic Alright?
I was VERY lucky in this department. I had two wonderful anaesthetists who made me feel so comfortable and very at ease. Firstly, I was lead down to the operating theatre by a nice nurse (who looked a lot like Dermot O'Leary - I was half expecting him to do the trademark spin as he came through the doors) he sat with me for a while and then I was met by lovely anaesthetist number 1 - a cheery lady who complimented me on my hair and put me at ease right away with her chattyness! She wheeled me down into the room before the theatre. It wasn't scary looking or anything, nothing like the horror you imagine it'll be. Sweeney Todd was nowhere to be seen. She chatted away with me about hair, our cats (she told me she was planning on dressing her cats up in antlers for a photo to put on her Christmas cards this year) which made me giggle and feel so much better about it all. She then told me that she'd had her own gallbladder out - and her sister, which put me completely at ease. (I know I was at ease, as I had the clothes peg type pulse monitor on and could hear my heart rate was normal and not racing at all!) Then lovely anaesthetist number 2 came in - a smiley man called Matt Smith (not the Dr - ironic?) haha! He was very friendly and began to find a vein to put the anaesthetic in. Only problem was, he couldn't find one! So he began rubbing my hands to warm them up! After a little while, and to no vein avail, he said he would give me a little bit of oxygen. He then popped a mask over my mouth. I took one breath and the next time I can recall I was waking up in a ward! I actually remember thinking "oh I must be in a queue for my op now" but when I looked at the clock I realised it had been 2hrs and I must've had it done! I couldn't believe it and when the surgeon came to speak to me, my first question was "has it been done yet?" So in answer to my questions:
- It feels like taking in a breath of air, like when the breeze catches you a bit off guard and you breath in quite a bit. 
- I didn't get the giggles, but I did feel very tired and "out-of-it" but that was quite nice to have a rest! 
- They didn't ask me to count as they did it without me knowing, which I was SO grateful for! Rather than telling me "right we're putting you to sleep now" where I would've panicked. Thank you lovely anaesthetists!! 
- The sensation of actually being knocked out doesn't feel like anything! I know it sounds silly but it doesn't feel like fainting or falling down a rabbit hole like Alice, it feels like breathing in and blinking. I closed my eyes, and opened them waiting in the ward! 

3) Mum + Dad
I worried for my Mum + Dad. They were very worried. They did their utmost to make me feel comfortable and happy and to make me laugh, and for that I'm so, so grateful! I couldn't have got through it without them. They are my rocks and I love them so dearly. 

4) Attire and modesty on the operating table. 
I mean from the get go, let me just explain that this was a very fashion forward day. Sporting the latest in the clinical couture of a  dotty printed gown (that I tied up all wrong + probably flashed people as I went to be weighed), the tightest stockings known to man - similar to when you put your tights in the wash on the wrong spin cycle and they come out suitable for a 2yr old to wear, slippers that could only be described as a sponge with a foot shaped hole in and a hair net that dinner ladies across the country would be proud off. Yes you'll see similar pieces on the catwalks soon. I was provided with some garments to wear underneath said gown - what their use was I don't know,  as it certainly wasn't to protect your modesty thanks to the 
fact they were completely see-through. I'm not talking about sexy-lace-hunting-at-see-through that you'd find in Victoria Secret. Nope. Full on transparent. What's worse was when I woke up, THEY HAD BEEN CUT ON ONE SIDE! Why?! I still don't know why that happened, but I do know it caused everyone to stifle a giggle when I told them...As for being naked, I have no idea if I was and quite frankly I'd rather not know haha! 

5) Pain 
I had keyhole surgery + woke up to find 4 (3x2) dressings adorning my stomach in a pattern that resembled a star constellation. The top one was just under where your bra would sit, two on the right side by your hips and one in your belly button! Once the dressings were removed the scars were about half an inch long. But the best thing is - THEY DID NOT HURT! When I can round from the op, I was in no pain at all. All through my recovery - NO PAIN! They inject each scar with anaesthetic which gets rid of any pain! Thank you, don't mind if I do Dr! The only slight annoyance, not really what you'd call a pain, was you do have sore shoulders for a day or two as they inflate your belly a small bit with air (I wonder if it's with a foot pump like for car tires and paddling pools?) and it rises to your diaphragm which can cause a little ache. But I've found warm water works wonders for this! 

I first had hummus again the very next night after my op whilst watching X Factor! It was delicious and everyone who knows me got an annoying selfie of me diving head first into it! I hadn't been able to eat properly for months + months and was basically living on cup-a-soups + rich tea biscuits. When I came round and was sat in recovery waiting to be discharged, the lively nurse there (called Julieann) brought me some toast! It was like she'd brought me a massive choccie cake haha! Delish! 

7) Recovery!
Recovery was brilliant - Thank God ❤️ I had a few days in bed, needed to be helped up when I'd sat for too long and it hurt to laugh for the first few days! But in about 2-3 days I felt better! My only weird after effect was I lost all feeling in my left foot! I was walking around like Agador Spartacus when he had to wear shoes. 

Yours stuffing-face-with-hummus, 


Hope you enjoyed reading that! I thought it would be a light-hearted but informative way to inform you of what happened and my thoughts on it. I also thought it might be helpful to anyone who has upcoming surgery and has similar worries to me. I know in the days before mine, I would look at blogs and records of people's surgeries to get comfort from them so it wasn't so "fear of the unknown!" Very best of luck to you for your surgery! 

I'd like to thank my amazing Mum + Dad for all they do to help me and for being there for me. I love them so much + am so very grateful! Also thank you to all the hospital staff who were so lovely - the nurses, Dermot O'Leary nurse, the lovely anaesthetists, the toast nurse, and of course the surgeon + his surgical team! Thank you Lord for helping me ❤️ 

So now I've filled you in (humming Craig David now) I thought I'd tell you a bit about my plans for this here blog. I'm going to be posting on topics such as beauty, fashion and maybe even travel about places I've been to recently and things I've seen! I hope you stick around for my ramblings! 

Hayley x 

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Notice of Absence!

Hello There! 

Just a quick little message to let you know that I will not be posting a blog for a week or two because I am having an operation! You can read more about that here! 

Let's hope the surgeon had plenty of practice finding the gallbladder in the Operation Board Game last Christmas! 

Take care! 

Monday 31 October 2016

Monday's Manicure - River Phoenix

Since I was about 10 or 11, one of my heroes has been River Phoenix. I would watch his films daily, and when I was going through a tough time - mid teens - I believe they helped me wholeheartedly. River inspired me so much with his kind and caring attitude towards every other living thing. He was a Vegan, a devoted advocate for speaking out against animal cruelty and stopping the waste of food resources, he also bought hundreds of acres of The Rainforest in Costa Rica so they wouldn't be cut down and ruined. The list of good deeds River did goes on and on. He was truly a great and amazing person. Today marks the anniversary of when River Phoenix passed away. To remember and celebrate him I thought it would be a nice tribute to dedicate this Monday's Manicure to River.  

ThumbWhen I think of River and the message he wanted to put out to the World, I think of Peace. I believe River wanted to make the World a more peaceful place without pain and suffering. To symbolise this I have included a Peace Sign in the nail design! 

Pointer - This nail has an attempt at the logo for River's band - Aleka's Attic! River stated many times that his love for music was greater than his love for acting, so that is what I wanted this nail to show. Aleka's Attic was formed of River, his sister Rain and some friends. I love their music especially "Across The Way!" Here is a better look at what the logo is supposed to look like (nail varnish just doesn't do it justice!) I love how the "A" is fashioned to look like an attic - very clever! 

Middle - For this one I tried to capture the image in Stand By Me, where the four guys walk along the tracks at sunset. Stand By Me was the first film I ever seen of River, and to this day is still my favourite film of all time! Fellow Stand By Me fans..."skin it!"

RingI chose to do a sparkling gold heart for this nail, to represent River's caring and loving heart that sparkled, just like gold, to everyone and everything he helped. 

Pinkie - I think the name "River" is as beautiful as he was. It encompasses his calm and meaningful demeanour and is why I have chosen to use this nail to pay tribute to his unique and stunning name. 

I hope you enjoyed this post. I certainly enjoyed creating this nail art manicure in honour of River Phoenix. I think it would only be right to leave below some links to River's favourite charities for you to take a look at.

River Phoenix Centre For Peacebuilding 
Earth Trust 
Save TheRainforest 

Thanks for reading! 

Hayley x 

A Letter To My Future Post Op Self...

A bit of a different post today! I have been blogging now for a few weeks and have been keeping up with posting a blogpost a day, everyday which fits in rather well with the Daily Hayley name! However I am going to have to take a short hiatus (flashback to One Direction saying that...) for a week or two as I am having an operation! This is my first operation in my life. I've never had an anaesthetic, not even for a pulled tooth. I've never been to the doctor for more than tonsillitis. But in April this year I found that I had gallstones and needed my gallbladder removed. Nearly 7 months later the surgery date has come around.   

I wasn't going to talk about it on here and was going to schedule some posts, but then I realised that this blog is a platform to share thoughts and also to help people. I have found myself over the months googling and looking for advice or people's stories on their operations, to act as a comfort for my own. With this is mind I thought maybe by me talking about my experience it may help someone out there! So this is a list (we all know how much I love a good list) of thoughts, apprehensions and views that are going through my head days before I have surgery. I thought it would be fun to do this in a 'letter-to-my-future-self' sort of style. I hope this is helpful or a comfort to anyone else going through a first time even a second, third) operation as they are worrisome, but we are all in the same boat and thinking the same things. And we will all get through it together! 

I realise this post isn't catered to everyone, so if you are not interested in my operation themed ramblings then I will be back soon with my regular content. But if you are and this helps you in any way to feel not so alone in these pre-op feelings, then I've done my job well! 

Dear Future Gallbladder-less Me,

I am currently a few days away from surgery and am quite frankly bricking it. Or gallstoning it, as they are the reason I'm in this situation in the first place. I heard once that writing your worries down is very therapeutic. So this is my form of pre-op anxiety therapy. (They did say to burn the notes after, but I'm writing this on an iPad and I don't think Apple would be too happy!) 

Things I'm Worried About... 

The drive to the hospital. The waiting in the waiting room. Basically the morning of the op and all the waiting it involves. I'm booked in for one of the first surgeries of the day, so I have to be at the hospital for 7AM, meaning I will have to wake up at 5. On a normal day I would be outraged at this sleep intrusion, but I know I will not be sleeping a wink the night before. Maybe that's a good thing as it means I will be tired and won't mind drifting off to sleep with the anaesthetic? I know once I'm up and the countdown is on, my nerves and anxiety will set in and all the waiting around will only amplify it. 

Anaesthetic. I have a couple of questions on this topic... 
What does it feel like? 
Will I get the giggles or be off my face like the girl who thought the zombie apocalypse had happened after she had her teeth pulled? 
Will I hallucinate? Hopefully of Harry styles...
Do they really ask you to count back from 10? Do you really only reach 7? 
Is the sensation of being knocked out the same as fainting? 
When you wake up does it feel like you've been asleep for a minute or a month?
What do you feel like when you wake up?
Can you see Harry? Haha

I'm worried for my Mum + dad because I know they will worry. I think it's worse for them because now they will be the ones waiting around, while I'm knocked out and won't know what's going on or be aware. They have been so good to me and have 100% supported me and I'm so so grateful to them for everything! 

Slightly odd one but...will I be naked on the operating table? This thought came after a rather giggle filled conversation with a good friend. We were discussing hospital attire and the mention of the famous gown came up. Then it occurred to me that as I am having my abdomen operated  are they going to access that if I'm in a gown?! 

Pain. This one speaks for itself. I'm going to be having keyhole surgery. Where did they make incisions? Are they painful - scale of 1 - rip my hair out? What are the bandages like? 

Something I'm looking forward to...Hummus. The nature of my operation means I can eat again after a VERY restricted diet of 6 months. I have craved hummus (and it has become a bit of an in joke between those close to me) that I will be eating it by the spoonful. When was the first taste of it? Did it taste as good as I remember? I hope my taste buds haven't changed and hummus is off the menu! 

Recovery. Will I sleep more than Rapunzel or whatsherface? Will it be painful? Will the wounds be big? Will they heal? How long before I feel normal again? 

Yours Worridly, 


So this was just a bit of light hearted fun, with some of the thoughts I have on my upcoming op to show you that it's okay to feel worried and anxious - it's a normal and natural response. But please know they are just emotions and you will be okay. In all seriousness, if you are going through the same and are worried then there are some really good websites that can help, if you Google "prepping for surgery help" or "surgery anxiety". It's normal to feel apprehensive as it's the fear of the unknown. But once you see that everyone has the same worries, it makes you feel comforted that you're not the only one, and that's what I've tried to do with this post. I hope you enjoyed! Also if you want to discuss further anything about ops or anything like that then follow me on Twitter @HayleyShannon8. 

So for now I am on my hiatus of a week or two while I have my gallbladder removed and recover a little. I will update you on the answers to the above questions as and when I can! Might also do a part two entitled "Dear Stupid Gallbladder..." 

Thanks for reading! 

Hayley x 

A Letter To My Future Post Op Self...

A bit of a different post today! I have been blogging now for a few weeks and have been keeping up with posting a blogpost a day, everyday which fits in rather well with the Daily Hayley name! However I am going to have to take a short hiatus (flashback to One Direction saying that...) for a week or two as I am having an operation! This is my first operation in my life. I've never had an anaesthetic, not even for a pulled tooth. I've never been to the doctor for more than tonsillitis. But in April this year I found that I had gallstones and needed my gallbladder removed. Nearly 7 months later the surgery date has come around.   

I wasn't going to talk about it on here and was going to schedule some posts, but then I realised that this blog is a platform to share thoughts and also to help people. I have found myself over the months googling and looking for advice or people's stories on their operations, to act as a comfort for my own. With this is mind I thought maybe by me talking about my experience it may help someone out there! So this is a list (we all know how much I love a good list) of thoughts, apprehensions and views that are going through my head days before I have surgery. I thought it would be fun to do this in a 'letter-to-my-future-self' sort of style. I hope this is helpful or a comfort to anyone else going through a first time even a second, third) operation as they are worrisome, but we are all in the same boat and thinking the same things. And we will all get through it together! 

I realise this post isn't catered to everyone, so if you are not interested in my operation themed ramblings then I will be back soon with my regular content. But if you are and this helps you in any way to feel not so alone in these pre-op feelings, then I've done my job well! 

Dear Future Gallbladder-less Me,

I am currently a few days away from surgery and am quite frankly bricking it. Or gallstoning it, as they are the reason I'm in this situation in the first place. I heard once that writing your worries down is very therapeutic. So this is my form of pre-op anxiety therapy. (They did say to burn the notes after, but I'm writing this on an iPad and I don't think Apple would be too happy!) 

Things I'm Worried About... 

The drive to the hospital. The waiting in the waiting room. Basically the morning of the op and all the waiting it involves. I'm booked in for one of the first surgeries of the day, so I have to be at the hospital for 7AM, meaning I will have to wake up at 5. On a normal day I would be outraged at this sleep intrusion, but I know I will not be sleeping a wink the night before. Maybe that's a good thing as it means I will be tired and won't mind drifting off to sleep with the anaesthetic? I know once I'm up and the countdown is on, my nerves and anxiety will set in and all the waiting around will only amplify it. 

Anaesthetic. I have a couple of questions on this topic... 
What does it feel like? 
Will I get the giggles or be off my face like the girl who thought the zombie apocalypse had happened after she had her teeth pulled? 
Will I hallucinate? Hopefully of Harry styles...
Do they really ask you to count back from 10? Do you really only reach 7? 
Is the sensation of being knocked out the same as fainting? 
When you wake up does it feel like you've been asleep for a minute or a month?
What do you feel like when you wake up?
Can you see Harry? Haha

I'm worried for my Mum + dad because I know they will worry. I think it's worse for them because now they will be the ones waiting around, while I'm knocked out and won't know what's going on or be aware. They have been so good to me and have 100% supported me and I'm so so grateful to them for everything! 

Slightly odd one but...will I be naked on the operating table? This thought came after a rather giggle filled conversation with a good friend. We were discussing hospital attire and the mention of the famous gown came up. Then it occurred to me that as I am having my abdomen operated  are they going to access that if I'm in a gown?! 

Pain. This one speaks for itself. I'm going to be having keyhole surgery. Where did they make incisions? Are they painful - scale of 1 - rip my hair out? What are the bandages like? 

Something I'm looking forward to...Hummus. The nature of my operation means I can eat again after a VERY restricted diet of 6 months. I have craved hummus (and it has become a bit of an in joke between those close to me) that I will be eating it by the spoonful. When was the first taste of it? Did it taste as good as I remember? I hope my taste buds haven't changed and hummus is off the menu! 

Recovery. Will I sleep more than Rapunzel or whatsherface? Will it be painful? Will the wounds be big? Will they heal? How long before I feel normal again? 

Yours Worridly, 


So this was just a bit of light hearted fun, with some of the thoughts I have on my upcoming op to show you that it's okay to feel worried and anxious - it's a normal and natural response. But please know they are just emotions and you will be okay. In all seriousness, if you are going through the same and are worried then there are some really good websites that can help, if you Google "prepping for surgery help" or "surgery anxiety". It's normal to feel apprehensive as it's the fear of the unknown. But once you see that everyone has the same worries, it makes you feel comforted that you're not the only one, and that's what I've tried to do with this post. I hope you enjoyed! Also if you want to discuss further anything about ops or anything like that then follow me on Twitter @HayleyShannon8. 

So for now I am on my hiatus of a week or two while I have my gallbladder removed and recover a little. I will update you on the answers to the above questions as and when I can! Might also do a part two entitled "Dear Stupid Gallbladder..." 

Thanks for reading! 

Hayley x 

Sunday 30 October 2016

Spaghetti Stuffed Bell Peppers in Disguise!

At this time of year everyone goes as pumpkin mad as Cinderella! Personally I don't really like the taste myself, so when I seen a post on Instagram of a stew cooked and served in a pumpkin it sparked my imagination! I came up with Spaghetti Bolognese (instead of stew) and Bell Peppers instead of a pumpkin! You can still achieve the 'Pumpkin' look with the orange peppers, and can even carve them for a fun twist! This recipe is suitable for vegans and gluten free, but can be adapted to suit anyone's dietary preferences! I hope you enjoy!

You will need:

1. Heat the mince up in a pan on the hob over a medium heat. Add in your choice of pasta sauce and stir until the clumps have dissolved!

2. Season the mince with salt, pepper and any other seasoning to your taste. Cover with a lid (or a plate) and leave to simmer for 10-15 minutes. Make sure to regularly check and stir the mixture though! 

3. Meanwhile, prep the peppers! Cut off the tops, wash and carve out the insides and leave to one side. At this point if you are feeling creative (or have had a glass or two of vino) you can carve a cute or funny face into your peppers! I did one to show you with and one without. 

4. Cook your spaghetti in salt water following the package instruction and make sure to keep checking on the mince. You can also add in some vegetables if you would like! 

5. Once the spaghetti is nearly done, drain off most of the water and quickly tip the mince and sauce mixture into the pan. Stir over a low heat on the hob until combined.

6. Spoon the spaghetti bolognese into the peppers and serve! 

I really hope you enjoyed this fun twist on stuffed peppers, and also a very yummy vegan spaghetti bolognese recipe! You can tailor this to suit your tastes and preferences and ultimately just have fun with your yummy dinner! 

Thanks for reading! 

VEGAN FAST FOOD DUPES! A Complete Nandos Meal Suitable for Vegans + Gluten Free!

A bonus post today as I'm on  roll with my Vegan Fast Food Dupes! The concept behind this series on my blog is that just because you're vegan, gluten free, coeliac, lactose intolerant or whatever the case may be doesn't mean you have to settle for boring and bland food. This being said, I will take a fast food meal and rather than scrap it from my diet, I just adapt it to be vegan and gluten free! I hope you enjoy, and even if you are a meat eater this could be a healthier option you may want to recreate at home! 


  • Grilled Chicken and Salad Pitta
  • Peri Peri Chips
  • Hummus

Who doesn't love a cheeky Nandos? Vegans. Although there are veggie options, they leave a lot to be desired. I wanted to recreate the options on the menu I would eat if I was a meat eater! So here they are and I hope you cheekily enjoy!

You will need:


1. Slice the potatoes into chip size slices. Sprinkle with the Peri Peri Salt and bake n the oven until they are crisp but fluffy inside.

2. Make my spicy rice following this recipe, or prepare any rice you prefer. 

3. Take the Quorn Fillet and marinate in the Nandos Rub. If you can leave for a few hours or ideally overnight in a sandwich bag to infuse with the flavour. Grill in the over following the package instructions.

4. Toast your pitta bread, and spread with a generous layer of a Nandos Sauce of your choice. Add in the salad and Quorn Fillet and top with more sauce if desired!

5. Plate the pitta with the chips, rice and hummus! Time to tuck in!

I hope you enjoyed my vegan and gluten free version of the well loved classics at Nandos.  Even if you are not vegan, you can follow this recipe to create a healthier and cheaper meal at home! To see my other Fast Food Dupes click here for KFC Toasted Twister and here for Happy Meals!

Thanks for reading!